Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 14: Writing These Blogs

                Well, since this is my final day of writing blogs, (cue the tears) writing about the creation of my blogs seemed fitting. For the past 2 weeks, I’ve been writing blogs about things I don’t like. Although there are quite a few topics that I have left untouched by my wrath, (namely Twilight, people who make everything about themselves, the Star Wars prequels) I have found myself running out of things to rant about. If you type the letter ‘T’ in my Google search box, a large assortment of different forms of the search ‘things people don’t like’ show up. When I first chose this topic, part of its appeal was that I expected Melissa to make me choose a different one. I was testing my boundaries and I was unprepared for what would happen when I found out that there weren’t any. Because of my lack of inspiration throughout the majority of this project, I sit down at my computer and can’t just start typing away about things that annoy me. First, I look at the news, iTunes, IMDB, my Facebook news feed, and try and find something that stands out as ‘blog-worthy.’ Only then can I finally start drafting my blog and creating the marvels you readers expect daily. This process takes hours, and I find myself thinking about what would happen if I chose to write about something that I liked every day. I envision blogs filled with praise for Starkid, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, my various friends, Coldplay, the Shins, and ice cream. But since there’s no sense in trying to change what’s already been done, I continued to pour my soul into my writing and make the best of what I chose.
            Another con to my project was the forced negative outlook that I’ve been forced to dwell on for the past better portion of the month. For hours at a time, I put aside my happy thoughts about butterflies and ponies, and filled my brain with ginger hate and detentions in their stead. Through my writing, I come off as a pessimistic sort of person, but in reality I hope to be perceived as the opposite. I don’t go through life intent on drawing attentions to the things that I hate! I try and appreciate the good things that happen to me whenever I can. In the end, I believe in living my life in accordance to this quote:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

1 comment:

  1. Ben, no matter what you say about how your blog makes you feel I still read it and it also has the most page views of any other blog in our grade.
