Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 12: My Detentions

                Throughout my time in upper school, I’ve had many detentions. So many, that I’m actually having a difficult time accounting for each one. The current number of detentions I’ve received is around a dozen. Give or take. Looking back, I have no idea how this happened. I just go through my day-to-day life and make the choices that seem right at the time. Who’d have thought that so many of them happen to be the polar opposite of what I should be doing? What bothers me the most about my detentions is the lack of justification for their dispensation. Would you consider asking someone for a chair detention-worthy? Of course not, but I got one for it anyway. How about finishing the task at hand and starting a new piece of work in art class? DETENTION.  Does it sound logical for me to receive a detention for tapping my pen on the table during science class? Where does logic come into this, of course I should get a detention! When it comes to detentions at NFS, I can’t help but notice that the teachers are more than a little bit trigger-happy.
                What annoys me the most about getting detentions is that I see so much worse stuff going on around me. I could be yelled at for talking with my friends, but Alessandra is the loudest person in the world, and I’ve never seen her being scolded for having an off task conversation with her friends. When I bring this up, teachers make the point that because of my former actions I’ve built a reputation for myself. What? The only reason that I’ve made a name for myself in the detention business is because I’ve been labeled as ‘the kid who deserves them.’  If I hadn’t been easily made into a target in the first place, I don’t think I’d find myself with such a wide résumé of punishments.

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