Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 13: The Lost Finale

Throughout the course of my life, my free time has fallen prey to a number of television programs. Scrubs, Person of Interest, 30 Rock, Soap, Family Guy, That 70’s Show, and Friends, to name a few. However, there was one show that really stood out from all the others. LOST. LOST was the story of a plane full of people that crashed on an island. In a nutshell, a lot of crazy stuff happens, and half the characters that were introduced to the plot die. What really made LOST compelling to me were the intricate plot lines, character developments, and backstories. I became attached to Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, Sayid, Kate, Claire, Charlie, and of course, Ben. When it was announced that the sixth season was to be the last, I anxiously anticipated the conclusion of the series and all the satisfying answers to my lingering questions. What questions, you ask? Well, I wanted to know why are there polar bears on the island, what the man in black’s name is, what’s the deal with the smoke monster, (you heard me correctly. Smoke monster.) why does Richard live forever, why does the island move, why does the island travel in time, why does Hurley see dead people, why is there an alternate reality in which Desmond is the only person to know what’s going on, what’s the deal with Claire’s demon child, and most importantly, why doesn’t Hurley lose weight on the island?  The finale was brilliant, and it answered all of these questions with a sufficient conclusion. Unfortunately, that couldn’t be further off from the truth.
            The writers did no justice to the series with its finale. In fact, not only did they fail to answer any pre-made questions, but they made more mysteries. In the episode, a character named Desmond falls into a cave filled with light and moves a rock from a platform. Suddenly the island begins to fall apart, and the smoke monster possessing Locke’s body becomes mortal. Confused? So was I. What does that rock have to do with anything? We’ll never know. Just 2 episodes prior to the finale, it was revealed that the smoke monster and his mysterious brother, Jacob, had lived on the island for thousands of years. It was also revealed that they were both gods. That was not clarified at all. Writers, are you telling me that you just threw that plotline in there for the hell of it? How does that make any sense? You owe it to us fans to give us something better than that! I always thought that the creators of the show had a defined plan that would someday enlighten all the confused viewers, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. It seems like they were just throwing random plot twists into the story because they couldn’t think of any resolution. For one of my favorite shows, this was a huge disappointment.

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